Monstera deliciosa, the Fruit Salad Plant, is a species of flowering plant native to tropical rain forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. It has been introduced to many tropical areas, and has become a mildly invasive species in Hawaii, Seychelles, Ascension Island and the Society Islands. It is so named due to the green, scale-like covering of its fruit.
Going by several different names – Fruit Salad Tree (in reference to its edible leaves and fruits), ceriman, Swiss cheese plant (or just cheese plant), fruit salad plant, monster fruit, monsterio delicio, monstereo, Mexican breadfruit, locust and wild honey, windowleaf, balazo, and Penglai banana, this unusual plant is a member of the arum family which are usually typified by a central large, fleshy spike. Due to its large, leathery leaves, it is generally only seen in doctor’s waiting rooms and other public areas or living spaces for decoration, though in these environments it is very unlikely to flower or produce fruit.
The fruit of Monstera deliciosa is up to 25 cm long and 3–4 cm diameter, looking like a green ear of maize covered with hexagonal scales, though the resemblance to a dragon’s scales has contributed to the naming of the plant. Fruits of plants of the Araceae (Arum family) often contain Raphides and Trichosclereids – needle-like structures of calcium oxalate. If the fruit is eaten whilst in its un-ripened state, these irritants can cause blistering, itching and swelling, a result of the oxalic acid. In some cases, it can cause the hungry victim to lose their voice or, in some very rare cases, death. The latex of the leaves and vines can create rashes in the skin and is another reason why the fruits have to be consumed when the scales lift up. The black irritant fibres can be swept off with the application of a little citrus juice.
The fruit may be ripened by cutting it when the first scales begin to lift up and it begins to exude a pungent odour. It is wrapped in a paper bag and set aside until the scales begin popping off. The scales are then brushed off or fall away to reveal the edible flesh underneath. The flesh, which is similar to pineapple in texture, can be cut away from the core and eaten. It has a fruity taste similar to jackfruit and pineapple, though one reviewer commented it resembled eating every flavour of skittles at once. The eating of the fruit is further complicated by the fact that the ripening of the fruit can take anything from 12 to 18 months. Even after following all these directions closely, the ripe fruit can still cause a tingling sensation to the devourer’s lips and tongue, sometimes spreading to other parts of the body. Should eating it prove to be too risky a venture, the plant has several other uses; the aerial roots have been used as ropes in Peru, and to make baskets in Mexico, where the leaf or root infusion is drunk daily to relieve arthritis. In Martinique the root is used to make a remedy for snakebites.
Daz Lawrence