I Sanguinari (“The Blood”) is an Italian fumetti ‘adults-only’ comic book first published in 1972 by Milan-based Edifumetto, the company that also issued Orror; Sukia; Ulula and Wallestein, il mostro.
Initially, the I Sanguinari comic books featured Storie di delitti e di crudelta’ (“Stories of Crimes and Cruelty”), however issue 10 introduced a new focus: Storie di mostri e di vampiri (“Stories of Monsters and Vampires”) presumably because horror was perceived to be a bigger selling theme than crime. And frankly, who’d want to read about crime and cruelty in early ’70s Italy? So, violent erotic fantasy escapism aimed at a – possibly misogynistic? – male audience became the lifeblood of I Sanguinari…
Related: Orror | Sukia | Ulula | Wallestein, il mostro