Massacre in Dinosaur Valley – aka Stranded in Dinosaur Valley, Nudo e Selvaggio (original title: “Naked and Savage”), Amazonas and Cannibal Ferox II – is a 1985 Italian adventure horror film directed by Michele Massimo Tarantini and starring Michael Sopkiw, Suzane Carvalho and Milton Rodríguez.
Plot teaser:
A group sets out to excavate dinosaur fossils in the Brazilian Amazon, but they get much more than they bargained for. En route, the plane crashes and the group, which includes a psychopath and quite a few voluptous ladies, is forced to fend for itself as it searches for a path back to civilization. The team comes across a motley crew of cannibals, wild beasts and slave traders…
The alternate title Cannibal Ferox II was created by English distribution company VIPCO (Video Instant Picture Company). They associated the movie with the more notorious Cannibal Ferox in order to sell more copies.
Most of the native cannibals in the movie were played by Brazilian military men on shore leave.
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” … a little lightweight as far as cannibal movies go but as far as sleazy Indiana Jones rip offs go, this one is a bonafide winner in my book. This movie is wonderfully stupid, watch as the photographer gets eaten by piranha in the puddle, then watch as the ‘Nam vet and the hero jump into said puddle to fight for a little while, with these same piranha are apparently full from gnawing on that photographers leg because they didn’t bother those two at all …
High art Massacre in Dinosaur Valley is not, but with bar fights, plane crashes, cannibals, scratched up titties, lots of nudity, fat bastard slave traders and Suzanne Carvalho looking crazy sleepy sexy… you can’t beat any of that with a stick.” Christopher Amstead, Film Critics United
” … Massacre in Dinosaur Valley is quite tame in comparison to its brethren. There’s a lot of nudity but only some of it is tasteless; there’s a rape scene and some lecherous men, yet the film makes little use of either. The violence is uncharacteristically missing from this Italian nasty, and many viewers will wonder why Massacre in Dinosaur Valley was worth plodding through.” Ryne Barber,
“Massacre in Dinosaur Valley is exploitation trash to be sure – the sort of movie in which the flight from the cannibals is interrupted so the party’s leader can leer at boobies – but there’s something almost lighthearted about it that makes the movie far more enjoyable than similar films…”
IMDb | Image thanks: House of Self Indulgence