The Samurai – original title Der Samurai – is a 2014 German fantasy horror film directed by Till Kleinert and starring Michel Diercks, Pit Bukowski, and Uwe Preuss.
Plot Teaser
A wolf strives through the woods around an isolated German village. Jakob the young local police officer is on to him, but scents something more in the darkness. What he finds is a man, it seems, wild eyed, of wiry build, in a dress. He carries a katana, a Samurai sword. When the Samurai invites Jakob to follow him on his crusade towards the village, it becomes Jakob’s mission to pursue the lunatic to end this wanton destruction. At the end of the night Jakob has experienced too much, is too far from whom he once was. Something hidden has been unleashed to meet the first rays of daylight…
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“Owing something to The Company Of Wolves, this is film which, like all the best queer cinema, bites off more than it can chew. Its success in winning over mainstream horror audiences, however, is testament to the fact it still has teeth.” Eye For Film
“Bound to divide audiences, The Samurai is a bold piece of film making from Germany and one that should be embraced by those looking for something more to their bloody action.” Nerdly
“Once things come to a head, Der Samurai takes a step into the truly phantasmagorical and a conclusion that can be read a couple of different ways, which may leave certain viewers unsatisfied. Others may want to go back and experience the film a second time to pick up on potential clues. Either way, it’s always refreshing to see a horror film with the potential to spark discussion about more than whether it satisfies the genre’s basic requirements.” Fangoria