Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla is a 2014 Australian comedy horror film directed by Stuart Simpson and starring Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri and Aston Eliot.
Plot teaser:
Warren (Glenn Maynard) is a lonely ice cream man. Following on from the accidental death of his pet cat, Warren, who keeps a daily video diary to record his thoughts on his favourite TV show ‘Round the Block’, becomes more and more isolated and angry at the world around him. Through these video diaries, it becomes apparent that Warren’s sanity is beginning to deteriorate and his obsession with ‘Round the Block’ star Katey George (Kyrie Capri) threatens to cloud his judgement even further…
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‘The film is not perfect. A lot of the editing choices, especially the use of flash-forwards in the opening scenes, I did not enjoy. And some of the video diary scenes seemed unnecessary. But my complaints are insignificant. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla had a far stronger emotional resonance than I expected, and it features one of the most impressive lead performances seen in Aussie cinema for some time.’ Mondo Exploito
‘… it’s a rather plodding affair – less slow burn and more just slow – that has an uneasy mix of comedy and pathos, and Maynard’s performance, far from a moving portrayal of a vulnerable man on the edge of sanity, all too often seems overly exaggerated in its pathos for comic effect.’ David Flint, Strange Things Are Happening
‘Ultimately Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla is an interesting film rather than a compelling one. A victim sometimes of its own influences, its overly predictable second half is a disappointment after the careful emotional beats of the first. Glenn Maynard gives an excellent performance as Warren Thompson and saves the film from completely folding in on itself.’ UK Horror Scene
IMDb | Website | Related: Ice Cream Man