The Invitation is a 2015 American horror thriller film directed by Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body) and written by Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi. The film stars Logan Marshall-Green (Prometheus), Tammy Blanchard, Michiel Huisman and Emayatzy Corinealdi. The film premiered March 13, 2015 at the SXSW film festival.
Plot teaser:
Will and Eden were once a loving couple. After a tragedy took their son, Eden disappeared. Two years later, out of the blue, she returns with a new husband… and as a different person, eerily changed and eager to reunite with her ex and those she left behind. Over the course of a dinner party in the house that was once his, the haunted Will is gripped by mounting evidence that Eden and her new friends have a mysterious and terrifying agenda. But can we trust Will’s hold on reality? Or will he be the unwitting catalyst of the doom he senses?
“Considering how quickly people get bent out of shape over disagreements on social media (especially over hot-button topics like religion and faith), it’s not too far-fetched to think that some of the dangerous ideas introduced in The Invitation could very well happen in a scenario such as this. And that realism is probably the scariest aspect of all, ultimately making Kusama’s effort here some of the most assuredly confident and nuanced work from her to date and one of the most devastating horror films I’ve seen in years.” Daily Dead
“The Invitation works so well because it taps into our general distrust of the world around us and how our survival instinct has been muted and ignored in order to maintain the appearance of being polite. If there’s anything to learn from that, maybe the next time you feel something strange afoot you should make sure the key is still in the door.” Dread Central
“The ideas that are developed are ripe for exploration, and The Invitation aims to deepen the conversation. The sincerity and craft on display notwithstanding, the movie achieves a limited, unsettling level, and then stops right there.” Twitch Film