The Final Girls is a 2015 American horror comedy film, directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson and written by M.A. Fortin and Joshua John Miller. It stars Taissa Farmiga, Malin Åkerman, Alexander Ludwig, Thomas Middleditch, Alia Shawkat, Nina Dobrev, Chloe Bridges and Adam DeVine.
Plot teaser:
Max (Farmiga), a high school senior, is mysteriously transported with her friends into a 1980s horror film that starred Max’s mother (Åkerman), a celebrated scream queen. Trapped inside the movie, Max finds herself reunited with her mom, who she lost in real life. Together with Max’s friends, they must fend off the camp counsellors’ raging hormones, battle a deranged machete-wielding killer, and find a way to escape the movie and make it back home…
‘An amusingly meta horror-thriller, The Final Girls finds a group of modern youths trapped in a cheesy ’80s slasher movie — one whose conventions they’re well aware of, but whose body count they’re also susceptible to joining. Though not quite as inspired or consistent as the similarly self-mocking likes of The Cabin in the Woods, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, or the first two Scream pics, this is good fun that should delight genre fans.’ Dennis Harvey, Variety
‘The Final Girls boils down to being a strange cross between The Cabin in the Woods, Friday the 13th and Last Action Hero, and it’s an equation that adds up to a ridiculous and fun flick that’s a blast to watch with an enthusiastic audience … An R-rating would have been nice to make the homage more complete, there are certain moments that drag, but ultimately its great execution of a high-concept script that should appeal to all genre fans.’ Eric Eisenberg, Cinema Blend
‘Even though The Final Girls never pushes for scares, it’s still a dream movie for horror fans because of the ripe exploitation, brilliant riffage off of everyone’s favorite slasher flicks, and the clever remastering of so many old-school production values. Think of it like VH1’s “I Love The 80s” for horror fans.’ Matt Donato, We Got This Covered
- Taissa Farmiga as Max Cartwright
- Malin Åkerman as Amanda Cartwright / Nancy
- Alexander Ludwig as Chris
- Nina Dobrev as Vicki
- Adam DeVine as Kurt
- Thomas Middleditch as Duncan
- Chloe Bridges as Paula
- Alia Shawkat as Gertie
- Angela Trimbur as Tina
- Tory N. Thompson as Blake
- Dan B. Norris as Billy Murphy