Lady Dracula is a 1977 West German comedy horror film directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. It stars Evelyne Kraft (The French Sex Murders; The Mighty Peking Man), Brad Harris (who devised the story), Theo Lingen, Eddi Arent, Christine Buchegger, Walter Giller, Klaus Höhne, Roberto Blanco, Stephen Boyd (as Count Dracula).
The film premiered on 16 March 1977 at the Paris Festival of Fantastic Films but wasn’t released until February 1978.
Plot teaser:
1876: Count Dracula kidnaps Barbara, a teenage girl, from a boarding school and is pursued by an angry mob who stake him. The girl is left buried in a sealed coffin…
1976: The coffin is uncovered during construction and stolen by small crooks and sold to an antique dealer. At night, Barbara rises from her coffin and bites the antique dealer. Rejuvenated by his fresh blood, she becomes a beautiful adult woman. Quickly finding her way in the modern world, she finds a job as a beautician’s body in a Viennese funeral home, where she secretly feeds on blood transfusions.
During a costume party Barbara lays hands on the mistress of the funeral director and is thereby discovered. Unfortunately, the company’s building also accidentally burns down. Now without a regular source of blood, Barbara prowls the city at night and soon arouses the interest of the police…
‘The script is repetitive and the jokes often crude (the coffin bounces around when the hero and heroine mate, for instance), but some crazy-comedy situations involving a pair of undertakers and a recalcitrant cadaver work quite well. Kraft and Lingen acquit themselves honourably and the direction is routinely professional’ Phil Hardy (editor), The Aurum Film Encyclopedia: Horror
Whole film online (German language):