Pyasa Shaitan – which translates as “Thirsty Devil” is a 1984 Indian Hindi horror film directed by actor Joginder Shelly (Son of Dracula) who also stars. It also features Kamal Haasan (as the vampire), Madhu Malhotra, Shobha Lata and Beena Banerjee.
The film is apparently a re-edited version of the 1978 Tamil film Vayanadhan Thamban with added scenes of Joginder Shelly as The Devil and a rape scene featuring Beena Banerjee.
Plot teaser:
Shaitaan (Joginder) needs to sacrifice seven young women so that he can attain immortality.
He stumbles upon a man (Kamal Hassan), who had been worshipping Satan himself for many-many years. The man has grown old and also wishes to stay young forever. Shaitan signs a deal with him, granting temporary youth at first, that will become eternal after the sacrifice of the 7th and last young woman…
‘There is such a steady assault of disconnected strange shit in this movie that it flirts with becoming a surrealist masterpiece. Even when they’re having a lovey dovey musical number, they’ll splice in second-long shots of the hairy demon waggling his head and tongue and dancing around with galaxies spinning behind him and red and green lights flashing everywhere. And then they’ll show you a picture of a marmoset, and there will be some lightning, and that demon will wiggle his fingers and yell at you for a few minutes. The entire thing is pretty mind-blowingly awesome.’ Teleport City
Wikipedia | IMDb | We are grateful to khayaal_e_yaar for some plot details.