Evil Eyes is a 2004 direct-to-DVD horror film produced by The Asylum, directed by Mark Atkins, from a screenplay by Naomi Selfman and starring Adam Baldwin, Udo Kier (Blood for Dracula), Jennifer Gates and Mark Sheppard (Xtinction: Predator X)
The film centres on Jeff Stenn (Adam Baldwin), a successful writer who is happily married to his wife, Tree (Jennifer Gates). Jeff, due to a shortage of money, accepts a job to write a screenplay about a real-life homicide that happened 35 years earlier. A seemingly psychotic director (Udo Kier) who believed that creativity had unleashed dark forces, killed his pregnant wife and in-laws for no apparent reason before committing suicide.
As Jeff continues to work on the screenplay, several accidents occur around him that directly mirror events in his script. Jeff begins to think that his writing has the power to affect reality, and must question whether finishing the script will bring about the death of his own family…
Wikipedia | IMDb | Rotten Tomatoes
‘Sure, there were some positives, as Udo Kier was top notch, and there was a great opening scene, but other than that not much. The atmosphere is non-existent or forced, the characters have no depth, there is nothing original, and the scripting is bad. In the end, it was far from the worst movie from The Asylum, but it is still nowhere close to a good movie.’ Mark Mihalko, The Ringmaster’s Realm
‘Without anything to grasp on from the start, it’s just a total mess. And Udo’s not in it nearly enough to make up for it; if he was in every scene at least it would be a delightful train wreck, but his ten minutes of screen time aren’t nearly enough to make up for the nearly impenetrable narrative, ugly visuals, and lack of action (most of the kills are more or less off-screen).’ Horror Movie a Day
- Adam Baldwin - Jeff Stenn
- Jennifer Gates - Tree Stenn
- Udo Kier - George
- Mark Sheppard - Peter
- Kristin Lorenz - Nina
- Peta Johnson - Marilyn
- Eric Casselton - Gramm
- Lanre Idewu - Bryce
- Lee Anne Moore - Mrs. Marsh
- Ronald Rezac - Tree’s father
- Julie Dickens - Claudia
- Jason David - Greg
- Byron James - Bob
- Elizabeth Uhl - Judy