Kitchen Sink is a 2015 American horror comedy film directed by Robbie Pickering from a screenplay by Oren Uziel (Mortal Kombat: Rebirth; Men in Black 4) The film stars Vanessa Hudgens (Sucker Punch; Machete Kills), Ed Westwick, Denis Leary and Bob Odenkirk. The film’s original title was The Kitchen Sink.
Originally slated to open on January 9, 2015, the Columbia Pictures production will now be released on September 4, 2015 by the company in conjunction with Sony Pictures Releasing.
Plot teaser:
In the town of Dillford, it used to be that vampires, humans and zombies used to get along, but then something unexpected arrived and now it’s humans vs. vampires vs. zombies in all-out mortal combat. Now three teenagers must try to get things back to “normal”…
- Ed Westwick
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Denis Leary
- Bob Odenkirk
- Patton Oswalt
- Ian Roberts
- Joan Cusack
- Nicholas Braun
- Keegan-Michael Key
- Utkarsh Ambudkar
- Josh Fadem
- Luke Halpenny
- Nyajima Mayar
Filming locations:
The film started shooting in Los Angeles on August 15, 2013 and lasted 37 days at different locations in LA including Santa Clarita, Temple City and Van Nuys High School.