Twixt is a 2011 horror thriller film written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola starring Val Kilmer, Joanne Whalley, Elle Fanning and Bruce Dern. Narrated by Tom Waits, and with a reported budget of $7 million it was released to film festivals in late 2011. In the United States, Twixt will be released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD by Fox Home Entertainment on July 23, 2013.
Writer Hall Baltimore (Kilmer), in career decline, comes to a small town during a book tour, and becomes involved in the murder investigation of a young girl. In a dream, he is approached by a youthful ghost named V (Fanning), whose connection to the murder is unclear.
“One hopes Twixt doesn’t prove to be Francis Ford Coppola’s swan song — though if it does, this disarmingly cheeky, intermittently gorgeous trifle would create the perfect bookend to a career begun almost 50 years ago with the Roger Corman-produced schlocker Dementia 13.” Rob Nelson, Variety