The House of Evil – also known as The House of Evil 3-D – is a 2014 horror film written and directed by Massimiliano (Max) Cerchi (Plankton; Hellinger; The Mummy Theme Park) for Dark Mountain Pictures. It stars Jeff Kim, Stephanie Van Rijn, Bill Pacer and Dawna Lee Heising.
The story is being described by its distributors as a throwback of 1980’s horror films and a mix of Poltergeist and Hellraiser, with lots of practical real special effects, and little CGI. The prosthetic designs are being handled by CFX, the same company behind the effects for Wolverine. Director Massimiliano Cerchi has commented: “There will be three different demons throughout the movie, each character will be a new horror icon in my opinion”.
Filmed in 3D with an ultra-high 4K Resolution, it will be available worldwide in 2015 via SGL Entertainment and their partners The MVD Entertainment Group along with Indie Rights Distribution.
Plot teaser:
A couple buy a beautiful house only to find out that the property is a portal to Hell… and, literary, Hell will break loose…