Charlie’s Farm is a 2014 horror Australian movie written and directed by Chris Sun (Daddy’s Little Girl) for Slaughter FX. It stars Tara Reid (Incubus; Sharknado and sequels), Nathan Jones (Mad Max: Fury Road), Allira Jaques, Bill Moseley (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2; Night of the Living Dead; 2001 Maniacs), Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th‘s Jason Vorhees; Hatchet and sequels), Dean Kirkright, David Beamish, Sam Coward.
The film was released 4 December 2014 in Australia and is due out in the USA 1 March 2015. The official site contains a range of tie-in products suggesting that the filmmakers are confident that fans will be enamoured with new horror villain Charlie.
Plot teaser:
In an effort to do something different, four friends head into Australia’s outback to explore Charlie’s Farm, the site where a violent family met their end at the hands of an angry mob.
Despite all warnings, they persist in their horror-seeking adventure…
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