Blood Voyage – also known as Nightmare Voyage – is a 1976 US horror thriller movie directed by veteran actor Frank Mitchell from a screenplay by William Tate and Jim Patton.
Although Blood Voyage was his only directorial credit, veteran actor Frank Mitchell had a huge number of minor roles in films from 1920 onwards, mostly in westerns but also in genre titles The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942) and Ghost Catchers (1944).
The film stars Jonathan Goldsmith [as Jonathan Lippe], Laurie Rose, Midori, Mara Modair, John Hart, Gene Tyburn, Pete Kellett, Doug Hume, Fred Stromsoe, Jim Patton, Warren Farlow.
Despite being released in British cinemas in 1979 unscathed by censorship, the 1988 UK Atlas Video version was savagely cut 4 mins 30 secs by the BBFC to remove footage of a heroin injection and to shorten a scene of a woman being strangled on a bed.
Plot teaser:
A small group of people are sailing on yacht to Hawaii for a wedding. Among them is a murderer. With sexual intrigue and drug-fuelled tensions mounting, passengers and the crew turn on each other in a desperate attempt to identify the killer…
” … plays like a particularly languid TV movie (complete with some painfully flat performances) – albeit one with added boobs and flashes of splatter violence. It’s of mild interest as a proto-slasher, complete with touches that would become standard in the coming years, such as a character saying “What you doing here?” to someone offscreen, before being offed by an unseen assailant. It’s topped off with a typically cynical 70s ending, which unfortunately falls kind of flat.” Justin Kerswell, Hysteria Lives!
“It doesn’t really have a lot going for it and unless you enjoy boring films with an easy to figure out mystery and a killer that runs around giggling like the Joker (which gets annoying very, very fast) then this is one cruise you can skip.” Todd Martin,