The Remaining is a 2014 American apocalyptic horror thriller film directed by Casey La Scala, who co-wrote the script with Chris Downing. It stars Johnny Pacar, Shaun Sipos, Bryan Dechart, Alexa PenaVega and Italia Ricci.
Plot teaser:
Skylar (Alexa Vega) and Dan (Bryan Dechart) were happily celebrating their wedding when the Apocalypse suddenly hit and Skylar’s parents were Raptured, leaving their daughter and her new husband behind. She and Dan must find shelter from the new, extreme weather as well as from several winged demons that are keen on making Skylar and Dan their prey. They manage to take shelter in a nearby church along with several others, where they re-examine their lives and personal faith in the wake of everything…
“The Remaining benefits from the low standards that invariably accompany Christian movies, even though its inability to organically integrate its sometimes-strident sermonizing suggests that the phrase “faith-based horror film” might still be an oxymoron. Still, as Christian knock-offs of secular films go, The Remaining is surprisingly respectable. At the risk of crazily overrating the film, The Remaining has to qualify as one of the most stirringly adequate, totally acceptable explicitly Christian horror movies ever made.” The Dissolve
“Genre mashups don’t come much odder than The Remaining, a theologically questionable but fitfully exciting melodrama about fear and loathing among the non-Raptured. It’s kind of a disaster movie, sort of a horror-thriller, and entirely faith-based entertainment…” Variety
“There’s a fundamental problem here. The movie relies on the instinctual human fear of death, but its message is that dying is a promotion. Says the minister who missed the first shuttle to heaven, the afterlife is “bliss.” So why do the dwindling gang of six mourn the ones they’ve lost? Of course, that question travels from the cinematic into the theological, a trip that didn’t work out very well for The Remaining.” The Washington Post